Top 8 Steps that How To Make Money With trafficmonsoon

Top 8 Steps That How To Make Money With Trafficsmonsoon 


How To Make Money With Traffic Monsoon.

Before anything, let me get a few facts straight.

      Traffic Monsoon is not an investment company, opportunity program, mlm or a hyip site. Its purely an advertising company that shares sales revenues with its members. When you put your money on the site, you are basically purchasing advertising services that Traffic Monsoon offers. No guarantees of income whatsoever. The revenue sharing depends entirely on the sales revenues that the company makes.
     You are not going to make any sizable income from cash links alone. Cash-links are paid to click ads that members purchase. You’ll be rewarded anywhere from $0.001 to $0.01 every-time you click on a cash link. The same applies when your referrals click on cash links. You’ll earn 100% commissions on that as well though its not going to make you rich unless you have thousands of referrals who are actively clicking everyday. I have been with Traffic Monsoon for almost 4 months now and I have earned less than $10 from my own clicks and about $30 from my referral clicks.

   The only way you are going to make good income is by purchasing sharing ads (ad packs). purchasing one or a number of these will qualify you for the company’s revenue sharing and you’ll earn something every hour depending on the number of ad packs you have. The more you have the more you’ll earn.
You can only withdraw funds daily from a processor that you originally purchased advertising from. Pretty common. if you have never purchased any ad packs but you have earned something from cash-links or affiliate commissions, you can only withdraw from Paypal. This is always so because admins try to control funds balances between processors.
Steps to making money with Traffic monsoon.

I can guarantee you that if you follow these steps you will succeed with traffic monsoon.

How do i know?

Because i have used these and they work for me. That’s how i’m earning more than $100 daily. Could be in the thousands by the time you are reading this.


Make A Commitment.

You need to declare to yourself that you want to succeed. You need to act and decide that you’ll make things work no matter what. You need faith, patience and consistence. That’s how i went on and borrowed $2000, purchased ad packs and started working daily towards growing my Traffic Monsoon account. If i hadn’t declared to myself that i wanted to really make money, then i would have probably stayed with cashlinks alone which would have taken me nowhere.


You need to be sure that you’ll be able to withdraw money from a system before you join a program. Now i understand that Traffic Monsoon accepts global memberships but it doesn’t mean all payment processors will send funds to anyone anywhere in the world. When Paypal can send funds to someone in United State without any problem, it doesn’t mean it will do the same for someone in Tanzania.

It happened to me once that i had earned a lot with one site but when it came to withdrawing my money it’s when i discovered that Paypal could not send money to my country and so i lost everything.

You need to find out what processor between Paypal ,Payza and solid trust pay will work best for you in your country. After finding out, then that’s what you use to purchase advertising so you can withdraw with the same.


skip this if you are already a member. If you are 
not, you can join through here. It’s advised to use a gmail email. Make sure to confirm your membership through the confirmation email you’ll be sent after you join. You’ll also be asked to put the email of your preferred payment processor account.


Click On Cash-links Daily

Even though you are aiming for the stars, don’t ignore these. As penny cents as they are, they are still income. Not forgetting its advertisement that someone paid for. Also you’ll be earning your sponsor a commission out of your clicks just like your referrals will earn you.

Cash links have also got their part to play in making the entire Traffic Monsoon system work.


Buy Ad packs

I can’t press enough on how important this is. It doesn’t matter what your excuse is, bottom line, if you want to make good money with Traffic Monsoon, you’ll have to purchase ad packs at some point. There is no other way.

traffic monsoon review

I don’t know your story, excuse or your bank account balance. My advise is always going to be, start as big as you can because you are going to grow fast, you’ll repurchase ad packs fast and most importantly you’ll break even faster. That’s what i learned from spending $2000 straight out of pocket. My heart was racing when i was spending that, but now i wish i had $5000 that day because i’m seeing the benefits.

I understand we are not the same. While it was easier for me to get someone to lend me $2000, it could be harder for someone to else to even access $500. There is an easier way to get your account growing without having to spend a fortune.

This is a strategy 
 Basically this will help you to get to 10 packs and from there on you’ll be able to repurchase an ad pack every five days without spending a dime from your pocket.

NOTE: This works with the current Traffic Monsoon earning trends, that is $1 daily for each active pack you have

Broke Man’s Aprroach

Purchase one pack for $50 from your pocket.
Stay qualified in the revenue share by surfing 10 ads daily.
After 7 days(week) you’ll have $7 in your account.
Use that $7 plus $43 from you pocket to purchase the second pack.
Now you’ll have 2 packs earning $2 daily which will add up to $14 after 7 days.
Use that $14 plus $36 from you pocket to purchase a third pack.
Repeat the process until you are up to 10 packs where you can purchase a pack every 5 days.
Its slower but you’ll definitely get there. Even after hitting 10 packs, You can keep using external funds whenever you can until you are able to purchase a pack daily out of Traffic Monsoon earnings alone.

After you hit 50 packs, you’ll start experiencing fast growth.


Stay Qualified

You are required to surf a minimum of 10 pages in the traffic exchange every 24 hours. That way, you stay qualified to receive revenue shares every hour. Once the timer runs out and turns red, you’ll stop receiving any shares.


This is the second way you can earn a sizable pay in TM. Every time one of your referrals purchases an ad pack, you earn a 10% commission ($5). The more referrals you have the more you’ll earn.

I purchase 2 ad packs daily. That’s $100 spent and also that’s a $10 commission my sponsor makes daily from me alone. Assuming my sponsor has 5 people like me, then that’s $50 he/she makes daily. But what if he has a whole bunch of referrals like me? You get the idea.

Just to give you an idea of what is possible(see below)

The only way you can get referrals is by promoting. Traffic monsoon has all the basic promotional tools for you to get started right away ranging from banners to splash pages. You can promote these or you can design your own custom banners, splash pages or sales pages for much better results. Like this one that i created for myself.

Places You can promote Traffic Monsoon

Your blog – My best signups came from my blog (this blog)
YouTube Videos
Solo Ads – Very effective.
Traffic Exchanges – Saturated but if you stay consistent you might get sign ups.
Safe-lists – Same as Traffic Exchanges.
Classified Ads
Traffic Monsoon – Through massive clicks package.
You can also read How to refer without advertising.


Cash Out

You might wonder how is this a step when it’s so obvious. I must say, How you cash out has everything to do with how your account grows. If you withdraw more than you are repurchasing, then eventually you’ll run your account to the ground. That’s why you need a good cashing out strategy.

Its best to start cashing out when you have broken even already. Its also a good idea to use a cashing out strategy that will benefit you and at the same time ensure growth of your account so that you can keep cashing out more and more. All the time you should make sure that you are repurchasing more than you are cashing out.


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